Academy Day 2022: The Greatest Explorer


Founded in the year 2010, The Great Dance Academy nurtures and brings out the inner dancer in you. As dance is the hidden language of the soul of the body, it’s time for you to step into the world of dance and discover your hidden passion.

The Academy

Programs & Classes

Meet The Instructors

Center Stage



Step into the School

Learn more about the renowned academy and the journey we dedicate to our students.

​Join New Classes

Explore our various programs and classes available for both beginners to professional dancers.

Meet the Instructors

​Wondering who will be holding your hands and embarking this beautiful journey with you? Meet our principal and awarded instructors today.

Catch up with TGDA

Be the first to know about our new classes, performances, and all the news we can contain in the dance world! ​
Academy Day 2022

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